Save the Date! Join Us Online or In Person on 6/27 for “Welding for the Nuclear Industry, an Introduction and applications”

Save the Date! Join Us Online or In Person on 6/27 for

“Welding for the Nuclear Industry, an Introduction and applications”


Monday, June 27th – 8:00 AM


The Canadian Centre for Welding and Joining (CCWJ) is proud to invite you to the 2022 edition of our Annual Seminar, “Welding for the Nuclear Industry, an Introduction and applications.”

As the transition toward carbon-neutral energy sources continues to gain momentum both around the world and in Alberta, new opportunities emerge for industries in Alberta and beyond to capitalize on the experience and skills developed in the oil and gas industry. With the introduction of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) onto the world stage, the market is primed for entry by fabricators with experience in demanding applications such as pressure vessels and pipeline welding.

The seminar will provide an introduction to nuclear power, its benefits, and its challenges by Jason Donev (University of Calgary). Teresa Melfi (Lincoln Electric) will provide an overview of ASME section III and other codes, standards, and inspections related to the nuclear industry. Rob Pistor (Liburdi) will present practical challenges of working with nuclear industry applications and information regarding class 1 pipeline and vessel welding and some aspects of automation. Of course, the seminar will also provide an opportunity for a lab tour of the CCWJ and extensive networking with other industry professionals.

The seminar will be hosted in person and will have an online delivery option.  

Please find all details in the attached flyer and on the Eventbrite website. If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected].

CCWJ Student Chapter

Date & Time

Monday, June 27th

8:00 AM – 5:00 PM MDT


University of Alberta

8-207 Donadeo ICE Building

9211 116 Street NW

Edmonton, AB T6G 1H9


To register, please click here for our Eventbrite page


About the AWS Alberta Section:
The AWS Alberta Section currently serves 335 members in the Canadian province of Alberta.
To learn more visit the AWS Alberta Section website