Join Us on Tuesday, October 12 for the 2021/22 Kickoff Meeting

Join Us on October 12th!

This is the kickoff meeting for the Connecticut Section AWS for the 2021 / 2022 year.

Hello everyone. This pandemic still has a grip on our state and I’m tired of holding my breath waiting for it to disappear. We haven’t had a section meeting in way too long, so I’ve decided to take the bull by the horns and hold a virtual section meeting!

The last year played havoc with all of us, including your Connecticut AWS Section. We need members to serve on our executive board so we can get back to the business of sharing our interest in welding and nondestructive testing. If you want to find out what’s happening in the welding community, this is where you’ll find the answer. Who’s hiring? Come to your AWS Section for answers. Looking to hire a welder, fitter, or NDE technician? Advertise the open positions with the Connecticut Section News Letter. Interested in advancing your career? Come to the Connecticut Section AWS. Looking for training to advance your professional career? Come to the AWS seminar. Want some recognition for your skill or knowledge of welding? Share your expertise with the members of the Connecticut Section AWS. Are you interested in serving your local Section of AWS, attend this virtual Zoom meeting.

The rolls of Chairperson and Treasurer are filled, but we need members that can serve as the Vice Chairperson, Section Secretary, Membership Committee Chair, Education Committee Chair, Publicity Chair, Program Chair, Awards Chair, Scholarship and Foundation Representative, Webmaster, Section Librarian, Certification Committee Chair, and Technical Representative.

Please contact Albert Moore by email at [email protected] if you have any questions about the Section, meetings, or serving on the Executive Board. Our Section is only as successful as the people serving on the Executive Board. This isn’t the time to hide in the shadows hoping someone else will take on the responsibility of steering the Connecticut Section AWS to giving it direction:

Your Connecticut Section AWS Needs You!


Meeting Date & Time:

Tuesday, October 12, 2021 at 6:30PM EDT

Call Albert Moore 860-856-1032

About the AWS Connecticut Section

The AWS Connecticut Section currently serves 374 members across the state of Connecticut. 

Learn more on the AWS Connecticut Section website